1. The Project Report should be submitted in A-4 size typed in double space. The Project Report should be hard bound.
2. Ensure that it contains the following:
Project Proposal Proforma. All the items should be filled. The signatures of both student and Guide should be present.
Project Synopsis. Both Guide and student should sign on the Project Synopsis.
Guide‟s Bio data. The Biodata should consist of signature of the Guide.
Certificate of Originality
All signatures should be accompanied by the date of signature.
3. If any project report is received in the absence of the items listed above, it will be rejected and returned to students for compliance. Also, violation of Project Guidelines may lead to rejection of the Project .
4. Only One hard bound original copy of the project report is to be submitted to „The Regional Director, Concerned Regional Centre‟ by registered insured post. One copy of the same Project Report is to be retained with the student and the student is supposed to carry his copy while appearing for viva voce. Spiral binding of Project Report is not permitted.
5. Xerox copy of the project report is not acceptable.
6. Not more than one student is permitted to work on a Project.
7. If the title of the Project differs from the title mentioned in the Project Proposal, the Project Report will be rejected and will be returned back to the student.
8. Kindly mention on the top of the envelope “BCA PROJECT REPORT (BCSP-064)”. This will facilitate sorting out project reports at the Regional Centre.
9. The envelope containing the remuneration form for the Project Guide duly signed by the Guide and the student, should be sent to “Regional Director, Concerned Regional Centre.”
10. In case, students require any letter from the University for doing a project in any organization, they may request the Regional Director of the concerned Regional centre for the issuance of the same in the format indicated under Project Trainee in this document. (Refer to Page number : 15).